Category: Blog

Anything But Books Tag 4

Anything But Books Tag

Hello my lovely bookaholics! I decided to try something new out today. My friend Kristi – also known as the Boston Book Reader tagged me to do the Anything But Books Tag. I thought...

I Can Finally Read Again! 0

I Can Finally Read Again!

I can finally read again guys! I am so excited. Lately it has been a struggle for me because I haven’t been able to see very well. My old glasses were in really bad...


Alphabethon Readathon

  I am so excited to introduce to you the Alphabethon Readathon! I love participating in readathons and reading sprints on Twitter. Readathons and reading sprints are wonderful for helping me with my Goodreads...


Get To Know Me

I am going to try something a little bit new here for me on my blog. So far I have been bringing you all reviews along with a few author interviews. When I started...


Bout of Books Wrap-Up

  Round 17 of Bout of Books came to an end yesterday. Sadly, I did not do well this round. It’s ok though. It happens. Life likes to throw little curve balls and our...


Bout of Books Update: Day Four

Hey everyone! Bout of Books is halfway over. How are you all doing with your reading goals? Have you been able to complete any challeges?  Today’s Daily Challenge is Book in a Song provided...


ARC August: Week Three Update

    Blame it all on Stranger Things! Well, week three of ARC August came and went in a blink of an eye. It was pretty much an epic fail for me. I seemed...