About Me

Hello everyone! My name is Michelle and I am the creator of Bookaholic Banter.bookaholicbantermypic

I have been a bookaholic for as long as I can remember. I love to read books and collect them. In my spare time you will usually find me curled up with a book on my couch. It might be a hardback, paperback, or even an ebook on my kindle. I don’t discriminate when it comes to books.

I created this site so I can share my love of books with others. There doesn’t seem to be too many sites out there right now that are a one-stop shop when it comes to books. Here at my site I plan to offer Bookaholics like myself a world immersed in everything having to do with books.

What You Can Expect to Find Here in the Months to Come…

I want to offer bookaholicss an experience like no other. I want you to be able to come here and make new friends with other book lovers. I want you to feel free to leave your comments and start an open discussion. I plan on offering reviews on books, a section that will offer gifts for bookaholics (whether that gift be for yourself or someone else) that will include everything from clothing, jewelry, gift baskets, and much more. I will have author guest-spots and interviews with authors. There will be art galleries full of book tattoos, comfy book nooks, book art, and more. D.I.Y. book projects, but best of all a place where us bookaholics can come to have some playful & friendly banter about books. I encourage discussion here. I want to hear from other bookaholics like me who can’t go a day without something related to books. If there is anything else you would like to see here at Bookaholic Banter feel free to drop me a line. I will greatly take your suggestions into consideration.

To Authors & Publishers…

I look forward to working with you! You are welcome to send a query letter to michelle@bookaholicbanter  if you have a book you would like me to read and review, would like to request an interview, or do a guest post. I am happy to help in any way that I can.

Before You Leave Let’s Get Acquainted!

I am 34, married, and have a beautiful 14 year-old daughter. I grew up in the small town of Bristol, Pennsylvania. I currently live in Levittown, Pennsylvania.  I love to read, write, indulge in my streaming Netflix plan, sing, going out to eat,  staying home in my jammies some nights- and being lazy, love spending time with my family and close friends. I also have a passion for words and you can find me playing Words with Friends or WordFeud online.

I have wanted to become a writer for as long as I can remember. I am working on the first book in a YA sci-fi series. I am also working on a romance novel. They will probably take some time since I plan on dedicating myself to this site. When the books are finished I plan to offer up some free copies to some fans here at Bookaholic Banter in exchange for a review…but more on that later.

I also have a bookstagram account on Instagram where you can find me posting bookish pictures daily. I am on twitter as @banterboks also. You can usually find me on twitter participating on one readathon or another. I also have a Bookaholic Banter facebook page.

I am thinking about joining the booktube community on You Tune soon as well. My channel is already set up so you can head on over to You Tube and subscribe if you would like. I haven’t posted any videos yet but I hope to soon.

Well, I don’t want to keep rambling on about myself! I would love to get acquainted with all of you! What are your quirks? What do you love about books? Feel free to leave me some comments. I would love to answer any questions or hear about your love for books below. If there is anything you would like to see here on my website let me know. I am always open to suggestions.

Banter with you all later my fellow Bookaholics!

Your Friend,



4 Responses

  1. Deana says:

    Great place here at bookaholic banter. I am proud of you and look forward to seeing your progress on this site.

    • admin says:

      Thanks so much Deana. This website is very dear to my heart. I’m sure I will spend most of my time adding content to this site than my other sites. Hope you come back to visit. 🙂

      • Matthias says:

        , I gather that the zobeims are the result of botched research into a drug that would either keep people from dying, or into bringing them back to life if they did; I’m not sure which was the intent. Those who received the drug died, then were immediately Returned as zobeims, no part of their human selves remaining. A bite from one of these zobeims infects the victim (if the person survives the attack, that is), and the cycle continues. Much of the landscape is wooded and filled with zobeims, and is referred to as the Forest of Hands and Teeth as a result. The story follows a core group of people. The first 2 books had scenes that made me cry (moreso the first than the 2nd book). That doesn’t happen very often. That being said, they’re dark books, sometimes repetitive. I’m on the 3rd now. Supposedly it’s the best of the trilogy, the MC more well-rounded. The MC of the first was too coldly selfish, the 2nd (daughter of the one from the first) so cowardly for most of the book that I wanted to kick her. So far, though, this MC is stronger. I’m not usually big on zobeims. They bore me. I kept reading about this series, however, and decided to give it a try. I’m glad I did it’s good. But after this book, I’ll want something a little more light-hearted!

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