Dear Authors and Publishers:
If you would like to send me a request to review a book there a few things you should know.
There are a few books that I have no interest in reading at this time. I will not be reading and reviewing any of the following books:
Baby Books, Erotica,
-Everything else depends on whether the synopsis/blurb catches my interest. I will pretty much read anything.
Format preference:
1st preference: Physical copy
2nd preference: e-book (.mobi format)
Time contingency: Please let me know if you need your book read and reviewed by a certain time and date. I will do my best to read and review your book as soon as possible within a reasonable amount of time. I will typically read your book within 1-2 weeks of receiving the book.
Where I Post and Share Reviews:
I will post a review on my website, goodreads, amazon, and Barnes & Noble. I also share pictures of what I am reading and review links to social medias: instagram, facebook, and twitter. If you are sending me an ARC of a book and the cover/book has not yet been released please let me know if there is anything I shouldn’t share until a certain date.
If you would like to send me a copy of your book for review please send your request to this email address:
Thank you for your interest in my review. I look forward to reading your book!